Oct 30, 2023

Speech That Endangers Jewish Lives is Sweeping America

Jewish Journal of Los Angeles

Hamas chopped the heads off 40 Jewish babies, burned families alive, gang raped teenage girls, and decapitated an elderly man. Oh, and they kidnapped a six-month-old baby, young children, and female Holocaust survivors. Let that settle in for a moment. Moral revulsion is imminent. Assigning blame a no-brainer, right?
Oct 23, 2023

Gaza–Where the Moral Math of Revenge Has No Equal

Jewish Journal of Los Angeles

Get out your calculators. While you’re at it, a set of blinders, too. Israel’s imminent Gaza campaign is going to get ugly. If you’ve been paying close attention, the moral and mathematical problem has already been revealed.
Oct 16, 2023

The Naked, the Dead and the Ivy League

Jewish Journal of Los Angeles

There is obviously a drug problem in American colleges, most especially on its elite Ivy League campuses, because what we saw this past week was “moral relativism,” “critical race theory,” “wokeness,” and “intersectionality”—all on crack.
Oct 8, 2023

Barbarians Through the Gate

Jewish Journal of Los Angeles

Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, and ever since then, has never known a moment’s peace. The Gazans could have turned their seaside strip into an Arab Singapore. Instead, they opted for a resurrected Philistine, a blood-soaked enclave governed by corrupt savages that has no national purpose other than to launch attacks against Israel.
Oct 3, 2023

We Shouldn’t Overdo It With the Apologies

Jewish Journal of Los Angeles

Fresh off a day of fasting and breast-beating, many Jews had spent Yom Kippur atoning for sins, committing to change, and hoping for the best when it comes to the Book of Life. (I always assume my inscription to be provisional, penciled-in to keep the Almighty’s options open. See you next year, hopefully.)