Thane Rosenbaum is a law professor, legal and Middle East analyst, novelist, essayist, and Distinguished University Professor at Touro University.
He is the author of numerous books of fiction and nonfiction, including Saving Free Speech … from Itself; Payback: The Case for Revenge; and The Myth of Moral Justice: Why Our Legal System Fails to Do What’s Right. He edited the anthology, Law Lit: From Atticus Finch to The Practice: A Collection of Great Writing About the Law.
His novels include, How Sweet It Is!; The Stranger Within Sarah Stein; The Golems of Gotham; Second Hand Smoke; and Elijah Visible.
He writes a twice-monthly essay for the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles, for which he has received the Louis Rapoport Award for Excellence in Commentary, a once-monthly essay for the White Rose Magazine, and has written for the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, CNN, and the Daily Beast, among other publications.
He is the Legal Analyst for CBS News Radio, and is a frequent guest on various cable news shows on such topics as the national legal affairs, conflicts in the Middle East, global anti-Semitism, terrorism, human rights, moral justice, and Holocaust memory.
He is the founder and creative director of the Forum on Life, Culture & Society (“FOLCS”), a not-for-profit dedicated to hosting smart, witty and entertaining public programs to live and virtual audiences on the important topics of the day. He also hosts The Talk Show at the 92nd Street Y, where he has played a similar role in moderating conversations with governmental leaders, opinion makers, journalists, and award-winning artists for over 25 years.