May 26, 2024

“Ocean’s Eleven” May Yet Become “From the River to the Sea”

Jewish Journal of Los Angeles

Middle East heat indices aside, the truest hot spot on the planet is, always, wherever the Israeli Defense Forces happens to be killing Muslims, no matter the reason.
May 20, 2024

An American Tragedy: Porn Star, Cat Fights and Fredo Returns

Jewish Journal of Los Angeles

What imaginative mind could have dreamed up a criminal trial involving an ex-American president, a porn star, a tawdry tabloid, a topless centerfold, and a “fixer,” now felon, with an ax too sharp to grind, serving as the prosecution’s star witness?
May 12, 2024

So Long, Democratic Party

Jewish Journal of Los Angeles

Not that my political affiliation is any of your business, but I thought I might share with you that after 46 years as a die-hard Democrat, I have alerted the New York State Board of Elections that I am now, officially, an Independent.
May 6, 2024

Gaza Masquerade Parties Can’t Hide Ugliness

Jewish Journal of Los Angeles

The nationwide masquerade party known as the Gaza Solidarity Encampments, which embroiled colleges in chaos and served as reminders of the Jew-hating violence of 1930s Germany, may have also previewed what protesting Islamists and Marxists (two otherwise irreconcilable groups) have in mind as a next act.